Friday, July 12, 2013

Wedensday - Interstates and states

As usual we wake up around 7.30am. Breakfast was included in our rate but it didn't smell or look good so we decided to find somewhere else. And it was a right decision. We ended up in a family run restaurant called DeForest. We had a lovely breakfast there. But as usual it was more than enough. I think they knew that so they let us take leftovers with us. Never had potatos for breakfast before!
And again we were on our way. We said bye to Wisconsin and hi and bye to Minesota state.We said hello to South Dakota. We stopped at information center because at last we reached the state where we planned to see something: Badlands, Rushmore Mt, Devil's Tower. But all of it next day as we run out of time to reach planned destintions. It was time to find a motel for the night. We stayed in a motel near Missouri River.

Jeszcze jeden dzien w samochodzie. Sniadanie bylo w ramach noclegu, ale jakos nie wygladalo apetycznie, tak wiec postanowilismy udac sie gdzies indziej. I dobrze, bo trafilismy na rodzinna restauracje, ktora zaserfowala nam przepyszne sniadanie. Oczywiscie bylo tego wiecej niz potrzebowalismy. Czesc wzielismy ze soba na droge. Przejechalismy przez kolejne stany, az dotarlismy do tego, w ktorym cos chcielismy zobaczyc. Ale atrakcje zostaly przeniesony na nastepny dzien, bo ten juz sie konczyl.

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