Thursday, July 18, 2013

Thursday - Arches National Park

As we stayed not far from the park we didnt rush ourselves in the morning but we didnt have a lie in either. It was really hot that day so when we got there I really didn;t feel like walking. But we did a bit. We did a loop around Window Arches in 100 degrees! To start off was really nice buton the way I was praying for the experience to end. Didn't expect it'd be so hard and SO hot! But then there was more to see and it required more walking. And it was worth it as the views were mind blowing. We would see more as there was more to see but we weren't prepared - not enough water, inappropriate clothing and shoes. And it was hot, like really really hot! So we finished our walk and we were back on the road - to Zion National Park. The scenery changed again to red-green. We did 4000 miles since we started!

Jakoze na noc zatrzymalismy sie blisko parku, rano nie spieszylismy sie z pobudka. Pogoda nam caly czas dopisywala, ale tym razem bylo na prawde goraco. Osobiscie nie chcialo mi sie chodzic, ale widoki byly przepiekne i tym razem trzeba bylo sie ruszyc sie z samochodu by cos zobaczyc. Wiec trzeba bylo sie poswiecic. Pierwszy spacer wokol 'Lukow Okiennych' (window arches) troche mnie dobil, ale bylo tam wiecej do zobaczenia wiec trzeba bylo poswiecic sie troche wiecej. Aczkolwiek bylo tam wiecej do zobaczenia, my nie bylismy na ten upal przygotowani. Nie mielismy wystrczajaco wody i ubrania i buty nie te. Wiec po zakonczeniu naszych spacerow, bylismy znowu w drodze do Zion Park. Tego dnia zrobilismy ponad 4000 miles odkad zaczelismy ta przygode i to nie jest koniec.

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