Saturday, July 13, 2013

Thursday - Badlands, Rushmore Mountain, Devil's Tower

And the day to actualy see something came. We drove to Badlands 4hrs but it was so worht it! The views were amazing and so different to what we have seen so far. We were tired, what you can probably see in my post - straight to the point and basic. But now (Saturday) we had few rest days. So Badlands were amazing. We were stopping almost every five minutes. To start with we thought it wasn't very large area but we were so wrong. In fact it was quite a large area. We drove through it for about and hour and half. It so cool that they actually built a road through it for tourist. To be honest you don't have to get out of the car to see the beauty of the landscape. But of course you can and you can enjoy of many different walking trails if you feel like it. We didn't, was too hot but we stopped in many view points.
The next stop on our way was the Rushmore Mountain - famous sculpture  of USA Presidents faces. We didn't stop there as the parking cost $11 and the queue was massive. We drove next to it but the whole landscape there was amazing - Black Hills National Park. On the way we saw Devil's Tower. The whole journey was full of wonderful scenerey and it was so brethtaking. Sometimes felt like it was only us and the nature as there was no traffic. We stopped for the night in Buffalo. We were recommended one more time a family run restaurnt. I ate there the best fish in my life so far! Usually everytime when I have ordered fish in the restaurant the portion was really small, but not in USA. With my belly full it was time to rest.

Czas by wreszcie cos zobaczyc nadszedl! Przejechalismy najciezszy (mam nadzieje) odcinek i teraz wakacje zaczna sie naprawde. Dzis dojechalismy do Badlands,ziem niegdys zasiedlonych przez Indian i uwazany niebezpieczne tereny do przejscia. Teraz wybudowali droge, ktora wiedzie poprzez te rejony, wiec nie trzeba nawet wychodzic z samochodu by podziwiac pieknosc i roznorodnosc widokow. Jest tu wiele szlakow, ktorymi mozna przejsc. Ale bylo zbyt goraco dla nas, wiec postanowilismy tylko zatrzymywac sie na punktach widokowych. I to wystarczylo nam zupelnie. Ogrom tego miejsca przytlacza. Ogrom Stanow Zjednoczonych jako jednego panstwa przytlacza. Zrobilismy tyle kilometrow a nie widzielismy nawet polowy tego co ma ten kraj to zaoferowania. Z pustynno skalistych widokow wjechalismy w zielone wzgorza Black Hills. Tu udalismy sie do slynnej Rushmore Mountain, ktora prezentuje nam twarze Prezydentow. Nie zatrzymywalismy sie tam, gdyz parking troche kosztuje i kolejka byla dosc dluga. Spokojnie mozna bylo sie zatrzymac na chwile na pukncie widokowym nieopodal i zobaczyc to samo. Cala podroz z jednego miejsca do drugiego dostarczala nam wrazen. Krajobrazy zmienialy sie tak szybko - z wzgorz w doliny, z dolin w rowniny, a paleta kolorow jaka zostala nam zaserwowana po prostu zniewala.
Ostatnia atrakcja dnia byla Devil's Tower (Wieza Diabla). Samotna czarna skala stojaca posrod rownin. Ten dzien dostarczyl nam wrazen co niemiara, a na jutro zaplanowany mielismy Yellowstone. Kolejna bomba widokow i doznan.

Badlands (up and down)

 Black Hills
 Rushmore Mountain
 Black Hills and a lake
Devil's Tower

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